2020 has been a different year for everyone. Since the library is still closed to programming, we needed a creative solution to still be able to serve our community. Who better to think creatively than Children's program librarians? For the last 3 weeks we have been taking our programs to the Cardston Elementary School grade 1 and 2 classes. We have had so much fun doing read alouds, oral storytelling, and acting out books with the children's participation. Our vision is to help make literature come alive, and get the kids excited about reading.

This week was Halloween week. We dressed up as "Gerald and Piggie" from Mo Willems' enjoyable series Elephant and Piggie. It was funny to see the children recognize us from their reading. The children helped us act out the book "I am invited to a Party." The children loved dancing and chanting their "lines" in the story. They were also delighted to see our puppet partners, Sally Side Saddle and Bart the Pirate, who told them awesome halloween jokes. We are delighted to continue to bring the library to the young patrons in a new, innovative way!